
The Comprehensive Guide to Finding, Hiring, and Working with an Editor

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Comprehensive Guide to Finding, Hiring and Working With an Editor

This impermanent station is by nonfiction developmental editor Chantel Hamilton.

As an independent developmental/substantive editor, I section a batch of nan aforesaid questions each day. What is an editor? What do book editors do? How do I find one? How do I prosecute one?

The questions make sense—like book editing itself, an knowing of nan editorial process happens almost exclusively successful backstage author-editor interactions, and nan specifics are seldom transferable betwixt writers aliases projects. What’s an writer to do? 

For anyone embarking connected a hunt for your first, next, aliases champion editor, whitethorn this article beryllium your broad guide.

What an Editor Is

Much disorder astir editors and editing originates correct here, astatine nan meaning of nan connection editor. Consider nan pursuing sentences:

  • “I’m moving pinch an editor to move my keynote reside into a book.”
  • “The editor said I should delete my full 4th chapter.”
  • “My editor caught each my typos.”
  • “The editor did a last impervious yesterday.”

Editor means thing (and someone) different successful each of those examples. It utilized to confuse me, too, and that’s because we usage a catch-all word erstwhile we shouldn’t. We employment nan connection editor to picture anyone who has thing to do pinch preparing words for publication, and we don’t recognize that editors, successful this umbrella consciousness of nan word, don’t really exist. Nobody retired location is just an editor—there’s ever a descriptive connection that comes earlier (or instead) to picture wherever that individual sits connected nan continuum of nan book-editing process. For some traditionally published and self-published authors, nan continuum looks for illustration this:

Developmental Editor → Substantive Editor → Copy Editor → Proofreader

Practically speaking, what this intends for authors is that you request to cognize nan lingo that editors usage to picture nan activity we do. Looking for “an editor” to “edit your book” won’t get you very acold because nary 1 knows what that means—editors included. I’m judge nan transcript editors are moving connected that, and possibly that will beryllium funny later.

In nan meantime, what do each those different kinds of editors do?

The Four Kinds of Editors

Generally speaking, individual editors will specialize successful 1 of nan 4 levels identified above—developmental editing, substantive editing, transcript editing, aliases proofreading. It’s rare, and inadvisable, to activity pinch a azygous editor done each four. Why? Because an editor is not an editor is not an editor. We don’t each cognize really to do each nan things. We were niching down earlier niching down was cool.

1. Developmental editing

“Just get it down connected paper, and past we’ll spot what to do pinch it.” —Max Perkins

I’m beautiful judge you person to mention Max Perkins astatine slightest erstwhile successful immoderate article astir editing.

Perkins much aliases little invented developmental editing early successful nan twentieth period by being nan first editor of grounds to do much than correct typos and insignificant specifications successful an author’s manuscript. Before him, his employer moreover had a argumentation against excessive fiddling: “I americium not suffisant capable to deliberation nan patient tin lend overmuch by counselling modifications,” wrote Scribners’ editor successful chief, William C. Brownwell, soon earlier Perkins showed up astatine nan Manhattan agency and proved him wrong.

Developmental editing describes a sustained, collaborative business betwixt writer and editor, during which an thought aliases incomplete manuscript is transformed into a complete and cohesive book. While nan intelligence spot and last merchandise ever and yet beryllium to nan author, a developmental editor is coming successful nan penning process from nan opening (or very adjacent to it) to coach nan writer done nan principles, champion practices, and applicable exertion of penning a book successful a chosen category/genre, and to thief support an author’s momentum and information each nan measurement to nan decorativeness line. A developmental editor will thief you reply nan large questions: What is this book about? Who is it for? Why americium I nan correct personification to constitute it? What’s nan champion measurement to building my argument? What do I request to make judge is included? What needs to beryllium near out? If you don’t cognize nan answers to those questions, aliases deliberation you don’t request to, you request a developmental editor. 

Perkins is renowned for an exemplary acquisition pinch writer Thomas Wolfe: erstwhile nan second submitted a 330,000-word caller for publication successful 1928, Perkins didn’t cull it outright (as astatine slightest 3 different publishers earlier him had done)—he publication it all, recognized its genius, and past worked intimately pinch Wolfe complete nan adjacent twelvemonth to edit it down by astir a third. When it was published successful 1929, Look Homeward, Angel instantly transformed Wolfe into a nationalist sensation, secured his spot successful nan literate canon, and maintained a classical statement you whitethorn person heard a clip aliases two: “You can’t spell location again.” Perkins’ editing finance was tremendous by immoderate standard, but what a consequence for 12 months’ work. 

For a much modern look astatine what developmental editing looks for illustration successful existent time, cheque retired nan Story Grid podcast pinch seasoned editor Shawn Coyne and struggling writer Tim Grahl. You’ll announcement beautiful quickly that nan process of making a book amended is intense, slow, and specific. Tim reflected connected it erstwhile for illustration this: “There person been times erstwhile I’m backmost from nan microphone pinch my caput successful my hands because Shawn is destroying my writing.” 

Similarly, I’ve had authors picture moving pinch maine arsenic humbling and nail-biting, but yet empowering. One writer of excavation called nan book we worked connected together nan champion of his 5 books. Another told me, “This book is arsenic bully arsenic it is because of you!” To both, I quote Perkins yet again: “An editor, astatine most, releases energy.” We’re present to thief you get it out.

I’ve heard it said that nary 1 does developmental editing anymore, but I deliberation that’s a reference mostly to accepted publishing. It’s existent that you’re improbable to find a partner astatine a accepted publishing location who will activity pinch you arsenic collaboratively arsenic described above, but location are plentifulness who activity independently, including myself and my editor connected this piece, Dave Moldawer. Keep looking. Your penning career, your book, and your readers merit it.

2. Substantive editing 

“DELETE UGH” —Mitchell Ivers

If you’ve already completed a coagulated unsmooth draft, your adjacent measurement is to prosecute a substantive editor to reappraisal nan activity arsenic a whole. A substantive editor wants to spot your full manuscript, arsenic bully arsenic you tin make it. They want to perceive that you person done perfectly everything you tin connected your own, and that you spot nary different measurement to amended it earlier sharing it pinch them. Not because they won’t spot anything—they will—but because that’s really they cognize you’re serious.

A substantive editor will beryllium editing your complete draught from a 30,000-foot, world perspective. Like a developmental editor, they’re going to beryllium focused connected nan big-picture worldly for illustration genre, theme, character/point of view, structure, pacing, and extent of research. The quality is that they’ll person your full champion effort successful beforehand of them astatine once, and they’ll beryllium making suggestions pinch a much actual consciousness of really each of their suggestions will impact nan remainder of nan book. If it sounds for illustration they’re going to nonstop you backmost to nan drafting committee connected thing you’ve already spent months aliases years on, well…yeah, that’s existent successful galore cases. And your book will beryllium amended for it. 

Whether substantive editing is simply a amended action for you than developmental editing depends connected really you activity arsenic a writer. If you want feedback, people correction, and encouragement arsenic you write, you want a developmental editor; if you want to floor plan your own people and past beryllium shown wherever and really to amended later, you want a substantive editor. 

I had an writer erstwhile who told maine she chose developmental editing because she didn’t want to consequence penning “too overmuch successful nan incorrect direction” earlier being pulled back. She wanted to make businesslike decisions astir what to write, and she needed personification to service arsenic her compass. On nan different hand, different writer of excavation erstwhile chose substantive editing because he said he wanted to support nan “writer” chapeau connected arsenic agelong arsenic imaginable earlier my activity tipped him into “editor” mode. Either attack tin work, and galore developmental editors are comfortable moving successful a substantive capacity arsenic well.

Logistically speaking, substantive editing is little collaborative than developmental editing. You’ll stock your manuscript pinch a substantive editor, and they’ll dive into it for a play of up to respective weeks, during which you whitethorn aliases whitethorn not perceive from them regularly astir really nan edit is progressing. Some authors really admit this well-earned break, arsenic good arsenic nan state to reappraisal and incorporated nan edits independently. 

To facilitate that independent implementation process, a substantive editor will supplement their in-line edits pinch what’s called an editorial letter—a multi-page missive that explains and gives discourse to what you’ll spot successful nan marked-up manuscript. Then it’s up to you to execute connected each nan suggestions and return your revision for different round. Repeat 2 aliases 3 times, pinch ever-narrowing lenses of item each time, and you person yourself a complete substantive editing experience.

3. Copy editing

“There is simply a shape successful nan life of each transcript editor wherever she is obsessed pinch hyphens.” —Mary Norris

Copy editors are laser-focused connected nan finer points of your manuscript, specified arsenic connection choice, syntax, actual accuracy, repetition, inconsistencies, grammar, style, spelling, and repetition. (You’re welcome.) They’re nan ones you spot celebrating connected societal media erstwhile a caller version of nan Chicago Manual of Style is released. Their activity is champion done and appreciated connected a manuscript that has already been done developmental aliases substantive editing because transcript editors will not fix nan big-picture things for illustration structure, pacing, theme, aliases plot. Books that are afloat of stylistically cleanable sentences that opportunity thing and lead obscurity are…well, they’re an full genre of literature, actually, but ne'er mind.

Receiving a thorough transcript edit tin beryllium a genuinely humbling experience, and needfully so. Language is simply a surviving thing, and standards are important. Grammar, aft all, has cost companies millions of dollars, killed disconnected nan POTUS’s daughter, and inspired generations of chaos complete nan US Constitution. If you inquire me, transcript editing is not a point you want to time off to spell check, algorithm-based software, aliases Amazon reviewers. 

4. Proofreading

“I do my champion proofreading correct aft I deed send.” —Unknown

Proofreaders are nan last gatekeepers betwixt your book and nan remainder of nan world. They’re nan caller brace of eyes you request erstwhile neither you nor your different editors tin spot nan typos anymore, and they’re nan past group to motion disconnected connected nan matter earlier it gets printed and distributed for each nan world to read. If you prosecute a proofreader astatine nan correct clip (i.e., erstwhile your manuscript is simply a literal printer’s proof), they’ll comparison that impervious to nan last transcript edits from nan past shape to make judge thing has been missed. They’ll besides correct immoderate lingering textual errors, arsenic good arsenic immoderate word, line, paragraph, aliases page breaks truthful that, for example, Chapter 2 doesn’t statesman connected nan past statement of a page. 

Common Questions and Misconceptions

Aren’t location moreover much than 4 kinds of editing, though?

Yes—have mercy—there are. Other editing position that you whitethorn person travel crossed see line editing (for nan fluidity and hit of your prose), sensitivity editing (for bias, inclusivity, etc.), technical editing (for method correctness—reserved for instruction manuals and different specified documents), manuscript critiquing (a one-pass world reappraisal of your book), fact checking (often lumped successful pinch transcript editing, but really a abstracted task altogether) and textual editing (which groups each 4 levels successful 1 phrase). 

You tin so prosecute each 1 separately if you want, aliases you tin conscionable inquire immoderate prospective editors if they see nan supra services arsenic portion of their work. Many do. 

I thought X editing was nan aforesaid point arsenic Y editing.

There is nary world authority that dictates what independent editors telephone nan activity that we do. For various reasons, immoderate editors conflate developmental and substantive editing, aliases substantive and statement editing, aliases transcript editing and truth checking, aliases various different combinations. 

Ironically, for an manufacture that is focused connected words, nan semantics present don’t matter much. What you want much than thing is an editor who understands nan distinctions betwixt nan 4 wide levels described supra and can, successful their ain words, explicate to you what they do, wherever they beryllium connected nan continuum of book-editing services, and what needs to beryllium done earlier and/or aft their activity to guarantee a broad edit.

Do I earnestly request to prosecute a full squad of editors for my book? I don’t person nan time/money for that!

No. More editors does not needfully mean a amended book. I erstwhile worked connected a book that, done a bid of unfortunate events, had 3 developmental editors. It turned retired worse than it would person had nan writer conscionable picked a lane. Find 1 editor you spot for nan level of editing you need, and past trust them. One bully editor is worthy much than respective competing voices.

The 4 kinds of editors bespeak nan humanities process of accepted book publishing, but today, we admit that very fewer authors (or moreover publishers) will put their books done this overmuch work. By measurement of compromise, you could person 1 editor execute nan developmental/substantive work, and a 2nd do nan transcript editing/proofreading. I don’t urge publishing your book without having astatine slightest 2 professionals reappraisal it first. 

How do I cognize what benignant of editing I need?

When you interaction an independent editor, 1 of nan things they’ll inquire earlier agreeing to activity pinch you is to spot your manuscript. They’re not trying to bargain your idea, nor are they judging you for your penning skills. They simply request to spot what they’re moving pinch truthful they tin accurately find wherever your manuscript sits connected nan editing continuum, and whether that aligns pinch wherever they sit. The benignant of editing you request is, possibly shockingly, not really up to you. That said, here’s a summary guide:

  • If you person a partially formed thought aliases incomplete manuscript that you don’t cognize what to do with, you request a developmental editor.
  • If you’ve vanished nan manuscript and deliberation it’s beautiful good, you request a substantive editor.
  • If your manuscript has been done substantive editing, you request a transcript editor.
  • If your manuscript has been done nan erstwhile levels, you request a proofreader.
  • If your manuscript has been done each nan above, you request a drink. On your editor. (Interpret that arsenic you will.) 

I don’t request an editor because I’m already beautiful bully astatine pronunciation and grammar.

Correcting pronunciation and grammar mistakes is 1 benignant of editing, but it’s only one, and it’s nan past one, and moreover then, nary 1 should beryllium nan only editor connected their ain book. We simply can’t spot our ain mistakes and missteps aft a while—our brains capable successful what’s not there, and our eyes publication nan shapes of words much than nan individual letters. After sitting pinch thing we’ve written for excessively long, we each suffer position connected whether we’ve achieved our goals. But much importantly than each that, bully creation doesn’t hap successful isolation—not for writers, not for artists, not for anyone. 

Do I still request an editor if I prosecute a penning coach aliases bargain an online penning course?

All developmental editors are penning coaches, but not each penning coaches are developmental editors. Depending connected really they building their services, a penning coach whitethorn publication your work, beryllium a sounding board, and connection ideas erstwhile you get stuck, but they are not going to rotation up their sleeves and get correct into your manuscript nan measurement a developmental editor will. Choose nan master who champion aligns pinch what you want and request for your book.

Online penning courses do not typically see an editing component, and if they do, it’s little elaborate than this article. You whitethorn get an overview of really to edit, but nary existent editing. Online penning courses are not a basal complement to aliases substitute for master editing.

I don’t cognize if my activity is fresh for an editor. Don’t I person to beryllium a master writer to prosecute a master editor?

As agelong arsenic you’re prepared for nan investment, asking this mobility is precisely really you cognize you’re fresh for an editor. Editors don’t expect authors to beryllium trained writers earlier they prosecute us—especially successful non-fiction publishing, authors are much often experts successful their ain niches and decidedly not writers. But authors each on nan continuum request editors, from first-timers to Ernest Hemingway. You’re fresh for an editor if nan book you’re penning is important to you, and you admit that you can’t do it each yourself.

What if my editor kills my dream / thought / sound / uniqueness?

Despite nan utmost exceptions you whitethorn person heard of aliases experienced, authors and editors mostly admit and profoundly respect each other’s work. We are connected nan aforesaid side, moving toward nan aforesaid goal. We want to thief you look good! An editor who wants to twist your book to show their ain communicative aliases alteration your imagination for nan task is not nan correct editor for you. Keep looking. 

Sometimes, erstwhile authors inquire this question, what they mean is, “What if I dislike my editor’s suggestions?” Note first that if you’ve vetted your editor according to nan three-pronged process described below, you’ll very apt prevention yourself from this scenario. If you extremity up here, though, nan first point to do is person a speech pinch your editor. We’re not precious astir nan suggestions we’ve made, and we tin explicate nan “why” down each of it. If nan “why” doesn’t resonate for you, see whether there’s immoderate soul guidance astatine play here—all writers get attached to nan ways they’re written things, and it tin beryllium difficult to fto spell of that. But if you’re beautiful definite that your imagination for nan book and your editor’s suggestions are not aligned, simply opportunity so. This is your book. A bully editor tin activity pinch nan priorities you’ve identified, and if they can’t, they’ll show you why and time off nan determination up to you.

I don’t request an editor because I person beta readers.

Beta readers tin beryllium great. Your friends and family cognize you well, and they tin almost surely adhd worth to your penning experience. Go up and stock your work-in-progress pinch trusted confidantes, aliases moreover return your draught to a adjacent workshopping class. But do these things before hiring an editor, if astatine all. And don’t correction nan beta scholar feedback you get for broad editorial analysis.

I liken this to nan clip a fewer years agone erstwhile I was readying to redecorate my house. I had a bunch of friends over, and erstwhile I asked their opinions astir furnishings and colors, wow, did everyone person a few. Blue, red, sectional, marble—everyone had a different thought astir what I should do, particularly erstwhile it came to nan surviving room area rug. I really wanted a bully area rug. And really did they warrant their suggestions?

  • “This is nan 1 I bought past year.”
  • “Saw it featured connected HGTV.”
  • “Restoration Hardware makes nan champion stuff!”

I ended up much confused aft I’d asked than before. The problem pinch blindly and broadly asking for feedback, I found, is that good, generous group past consciousness obligated to springiness it—even if they’re not qualified to do so, and moreover if they don’t person immoderate vested liking in, aliases accountability to, nan outcome. By asking a bunch of accountants and engineers and business owners really to redecorate my house, I’d put my friends successful an unfair position.

My interior designer friend was nan past personification I asked—I’d been trying to prevention money by not hiring a professional, but by that clip I was humbled, confused, and flailing. She spent an hr successful my house, took measurements and pictures, and came backmost a week later pinch a scheme that made consciousness for nan 4 walls we had and nan measurement we lived. “No area rug for you,” was her crowning conclusion, delivered while staring pointedly astatine my caller puppy, who was, astatine that very moment, peeing connected nan hardwood correct successful beforehand of us. How had I missed specified an evident flaw successful my plan?

Hers was nan only sentiment that was based successful focused training and experience, and nan only 1 pinch immoderate existent authority connected nan topic. 

It was her proposal I took, of course. Had I conscionable asked her first, she would’ve saved maine time, confidence, and sanity—more than worthy nan value of her services.

Editing a book is nan same. When we inquire friends, family, and moreover chap writers to beryllium our beta readers, we mightiness get immoderate gems, but we’ll besides get a batch of conflicting proposal based successful individual opinion, individual backgrounds, past baggage, and reference preferences. Without nan training to abstracted what they for illustration from what really works, beta readers simply don’t person nan devices to comprehensively edit a book, and it’d beryllium unfair to expect otherwise. 

So sure, spell up and bring beta readers into your process if you’d like—just support successful mind what they tin and can’t do for you. I urge selecting conscionable a mates group who correspond your target readers, and/or those who person specialized expertise successful a taxable that appears successful your book. Then, alternatively of asking them wide questions like, “Did you for illustration it?” aliases “What’s missing?” inquire them thing they’re qualified to reply authoritatively. For example, if you’re penning a caller group successful a mini Australian municipality and you person a friend from Australia, don’t inquire her for “feedback;” inquire her if you’ve accurately represented nan town. 

Don’t editors travel free pinch my publishing deal?

Authors who motion connected pinch accepted publishing houses are so collaborated pinch an in-house aliases freelance editor of that house’s choosing, and that disbursal is covered by nan publishing house. That said, you want to spell into this pinch realistic expectations. A fewer truths for today’s writers:

  1. Having your activity developmentally, substantively, and/or transcript edited earlier you taxable it doesn’t switch nan activity of an in-house editor, and nan suggestions you get from an independent editor tin make your book a much appealing publication for publishers.
  2. Once your book is nether contract, your assigned editor whitethorn aliases whitethorn not beryllium prepared to do a awesome woody of activity connected your manuscript. In-house editors are so devoted, caring professionals; they’re besides overextended, and they’re much apt to spell to bat for your book if it’s already bully and doesn’t request awesome room from them. There are exceptions, but if you want nan committedness of a dedicated, craft-based editing process, you whitethorn want an independent editor.
  3. Increasingly, publishers are outsourcing manuscript editing to independent editors, truthful location are a batch of qualified professionals disposable for hire. More info beneath connected wherever to find them.

Why Authors Need Editors

Short answer: Because each book you’ve ever loved had an editor.

Longer answer: The mood-lit history of book editing has done much than deify Maxwell Perkins and make authors dream that their ain Great American Novel will get comparable attraction and attraction someday. It’s besides created a persistent baseline anticipation successful nan reference public: readers are simply utilized to their books gathering definite standards of readability and correctness, and a speedy look done nan reviews of immoderate title will show you they’re not peculiarly lenient pinch those standards. You request an editor because your readers merit nan champion you tin springiness them.

What’s more, moving pinch an editor will make you a amended writer. There’s nary different statement that gives you nonstop entree to personification who is arsenic dedicated to your book arsenic you are, and who is trained to spot nan things you request to do to make that book moreover better. A awesome edit doesn’t extremity astatine spotting those things, either; it originates astatine showing you wherever they are, and extends into stepping you done precisely really to hole them—both successful this book and successful thing you constitute successful nan future. You’ll travel retired of nan process a much assured and competent author, fresh to tackle nan adjacent book.  

How to Find an Editor

As you constitute and people much books, you’ll commencement to study who nan editors are successful your genre, and you’ll get much comfortable uncovering and selecting them. 

But what if you’re conscionable starting out? What if you don’t cognize who you want to activity with?

Behold nan humble way to greatness:

  • Asking chap writers for recommendations and introductions is simply a bully spot to start, but support successful mind that book editors person specialities and sensibilities, conscionable for illustration pros successful immoderate different industry. We for illustration (and are qualified) to do a definite benignant of editing connected definite kinds of books, which intends that your friend’s astonishing developmental editor connected his latest imagination caller is not nan champion personification to proofread your memoir.
  • Check retired nan Acknowledgments conception of books successful your genre. A happy writer will convey their editor correct there, and you tin usage Google aft that to find them and driblet them a line. Some book editors activity exclusively for publishers, truthful they whitethorn not beryllium disposable for hire, but it’ll astonishment you (or possibly it won’t) really galore are independent.
  • Reach retired to editor-adjacent group successful your network, for illustration publishing consultants, literate agents, connection coaches, and independent book designers. You ne'er cognize who knows someone. If you’re really stuck connected who to ask, I spot everything that Jane tells me, truthful you’re already connected nan correct blog.
  • Follow nan blogs, podcasts, and platforms maintained by writers, editors, and different publishing professionals you respect. Pay attraction to really they talk astir nan editing process and nan editors they cognize and activity with.
  • The Editorial Freelancers Association, Editors Canada, and Editors of Color support searchable databases of accredited editors for each kinds of projects. The section chapters of some will stock your task opportunity pinch their members if you want to activity pinch personification adjacent aliases successful a peculiar speciality.

How to Choose an Editor

Going into immoderate editing partnership, you want to person a grip connected 3 things. Let’s telephone them nan determination prongs: method competency, logistical details, and characteristic fit.

1. Technical competency

Is nan editor you want to activity pinch really qualified to do nan job? As successful immoderate industry, location are a batch of frauds retired location pretending to beryllium competent editors, and a batch of books and authors suffering for it. A fewer questions you tin inquire to make judge your editor knows really to wield a darling-murdering weapon:

What training/experience do you have? 

A grade successful English, communications, aliases a related section whitethorn not beryllium required, but you do want your editor to person an precocious knowing of really nan English connection works, and really books are built. Editing is not a “feels good, truthful it must beryllium right” benignant of profession, aliases astatine slightest not entirely. There is intuition and consequence involved, sure, but location are besides immoderate clear authorities and wrongs, and your editor needs to person learned what those are truthful they tin astatine slightest show you if your book is doing thing weird. So possibly they person a assemblage degree, aliases they apprenticed nether a elder editor, aliases they worked their measurement up astatine a section mini press. However they’ve done it, you want impervious that your editor is dedicated to mastering nan trade and subject of editing. If they aren’t, they’re a beta reader.

NB: Being a published writer does not suffice personification to beryllium an editor. As 1 of my editor colleagues is fond of saying, nan last person writers should beryllium asking for thief pinch their penning is different writers.

What level of editing do you specialize in?

Refer to nan 4 levels above. Again, they whitethorn usage different words to picture nan activity they do, but it should autumn nether 1 of those wide umbrellas.

What level of editing do you urge for my book?

Share your manuscript pinch prospective editors truthful they tin measure nan activity connected its ain merit. Good editors will request to spot your activity earlier they’ll moreover work together to activity pinch you—again, they request to cognize what benignant of writer you are truthful they cognize if they tin do their champion activity for you. 

And yes, sharing your unfinished book pinch personification caller is simply a scary thing. We understand. Do your research, and past stock your work-in-progress successful bully faith—good editors grant your bravery, and we aren’t willing successful stealing your idea, divulging your secrets, aliases breaking your trust. Many of america person non-disclosures successful spot to guarantee your privateness and security, but these aren’t really basal successful an manufacture that prioritizes discretion.

Have you worked connected books for illustration excavation before? 

Editors are readers first. We person circumstantial tastes and specialties, and we want to activity connected books we bask reading. If your editor has worked connected books for illustration yours before, that’s a awesome sign. If they haven’t, it’s not needfully a bad thing, particularly if 1) your editor tin place ways successful which different books they’ve worked connected are akin to yours successful immoderate unanticipated way(s), and 2) your intended readers are beginners, and you request an editor to correspond that position. 

An editing professor of excavation erstwhile described nan editor’s domiciled arsenic that of nan “designated idiot,” and that’s ever stuck pinch me. Your editor is tasked pinch asking each nan dumb questions truthful that you person a chance to capable successful immoderate gaps earlier sharing your book pinch readers. 

Do you person testimonials/references?

These will apt beryllium connected nan editor’s website already. But it’s worthy asking, anyway, conscionable to spot which projects and clients they deliberation champion correspond what they tin do for you and your book.

Can you supply a sample edit?

I’ve listed this 1 past connected purpose. Proceed pinch caution. Asking for a sample edit might activity if you’re looking for a transcript editor aliases proofreader (with limitations erstwhile it comes to things for illustration whether nan editor uses a dense aliases ray touch, and individual style choices). Be prepared to salary for nan editor’s time, and statement that unless you’re a qualified editor yourself, it’ll beryllium a situation to measure nan sample. Asking for testimonials and references is simply a acold much businesslike usage of everyone’s time.

I wouldn’t fuss asking for a sample edit from a developmental aliases substantive editor. Because their activity is world successful nature, they’d request to publication your full manuscript and/or walk hours connected nan telephone pinch you to springiness you a consciousness of what they tin do for your book, and that’s not realistic for anybody. Instead, publication nan books they’ve edited earlier yours. Do those books make consciousness to you? Do you bask them? Do you want to support reading? If so, that’s a bully motion that nan dev aliases sub edit was a success.

Beyond that, talk pinch your prospective editor. Get to cognize them complete java aliases video chat. Consider moving pinch them connected a shorter portion of your writing, for illustration a impermanent post, to spot really they activity and really your penning improves arsenic a result. Refer to prong #3 beneath for much connected building spot and rapport pinch an editor.

2. Logistical details

All editors activity differently. You want to know:

What is your editing process?

How do they statesman a project? What are nan expectations connected some sides? What do nan milestones and deliverables look like? What are nan metrics for completion? Which writing/editing package do they use? 

What is your connection process?

Will you perceive from them while they edit, aliases only erstwhile they’re done? Do they for illustration email, text, telephone calls, aliases thing else? (More connected connection successful prong #3 below.)

What is your availability?

Many editors book a fewer months out, truthful scheme accordingly. Let them cognize if you person a speedy turnaround, but understand that bully editing takes time. Quality complete speed, whenever possible. 

What are your rates?

Independent editors group their ain rates based connected each kinds of factors, including their training, experience, familiarity pinch nan topic, your timeline, and nan needs of nan manuscript. The Editorial Freelancers Association shares immoderate mean rates for each levels of editing, and you’ll spot rather a batch of change from there. On nan premium end, for a full-length manuscript of ~60,000 words aliases more, you tin expect developmental editing to beryllium a five-figure investment, substantive editing to beryllium successful nan mid- to precocious 4 figures, and transcript editing and proofreading to beryllium successful nan debased 4 figures aliases sometimes hundreds of dollars if nan occupation is very light. As successful anything, you get what you salary for.

3. Personality fit

In my experience, editors are beautiful connection-driven people. We want to thief make your book better, yes, but moreover much than that, we want to thief you link meaningfully pinch your readers. 

Editors will employment different ways of gathering those 2 goals: immoderate will beryllium abrupt and nonstop astir what you request to cut, add, and change, while others will building everything arsenic a question, a suggestion, an opportunity. Some will physically move matter astir to show you what they’re asking for, while others will want you to make nan move yourself to activate and fortify your ain editorial muscles. Some will manus disconnected their edits for illustration a bouquet (or a bomb), and show you to travel backmost erstwhile you’re done, while others will locomotion you done each azygous comma alteration connected nan phone. Most editors, if we person our boundaries successful place, autumn location successful nan middle.

So, see past scenarios that person empowered you to do your champion work. What were nan circumstances of those successes? How did you behave, and really did nan group astir you behave? Generally speaking, do you for illustration to beryllium told precisely what to do to make things “right,” aliases do you for illustration having a puzzle presented to you for solving successful your ain way? Do you like/expect changeless connection pinch task collaborators, aliases do you for illustration breaks to refill your ain vessel from clip to time? Do you do your champion activity pinch much state aliases much constraints? Know these things astir yourself, and stock them pinch your editor. Then proceed nan speech to find out:

  • Does nan editor “get” you and your book?
  • What circumstances and behaviors let them to do their champion work?
  • Have they worked pinch an writer for illustration you before? How did it go?
  • Do you understand each different successful conversation? In writing?
  • Do you spot each other’s insights and ideas?
  • Do you respect each other?
  • Can you beryllium susceptible pinch this person?
  • Do you consciousness comfortable challenging each different and being challenged? 

There’s only truthful overmuch we tin conjecture astir our ain responses earlier we really get into nan activity of editing, truthful beryllium prepared to astonishment yourself from clip to time. Being edited is hard, and brave, and worthy it. 

When reviewing challenging edits, support successful mind that your editor hates your book retired of love.  They really do want you to succeed, and they wouldn’t inquire you to do thing if they didn’t cognize you could do it. Remember that they judge successful your imagination and successful you—maybe much than anyone other successful nan early stages (including you). They already cognize really difficult it tin beryllium to unfastened yourself up to critique, and nan much honorable you are pinch them astir who you are and what you need, nan amended nan process and nan book will be.

Fun broadside note: Before he’d prosecute me, 1 writer years agone wanted to cognize my Myers-Briggs score, and he shared his pinch me. I thought that was a fun, low-stress measurement to study a batch astir our default moving and engagement styles, and I’ve since recovered a batch of worth successful being upfront pinch authors astir my ain peculiar marque of crazy. (ENFP!) 

Though I (and nan developers of Myers-Briggs, it turns out) would really be aware against making hiring decisions based connected nan results of a self-administered online test, you do want to see early connected really you and your editor mightiness instinctually grip nan mundane sensitivities of editing a book, specified arsenic delicate conversations, soul and outer pressure, scope creep, and editorial disagreements. Tools specified arsenic nan Enneagram, nan Caliper Profile, and nan Gallup StrengthsFinder 2.0 appraisal are different options for learning astir yourself and others successful immoderate master partnership. 

What Your Editor Can and Cannot Do

To springiness you nan champion chance of a successful editing partnership, and to thief you negociate your expectations, support nan pursuing successful mind astir what your editor tin and cannot do for you.

Your editor can…

Tell you why your book doesn’t work. Editing is simply a trade afloat of mystery, yes, but it’s besides a morganatic manufacture afloat of champion practices. To that end, a qualified developmental aliases substantive editor tin itemize nan nonstop ways successful which your manuscript aligns pinch nan champion practices of penning a book successful your chosen genre aliases category, and nan ways successful which it deviates.

Likewise, a qualified transcript editor aliases proofreader tin show you what circumstantial rules of connection and style you’re breaking. That itemized database will thief pass nan activity you’ll do together to get nan book fresh for publication.

To beryllium clear, a book doesn’t ever person to travel each nan rules, but an writer does person to beryllium alert of them successful bid to break them effectively. If you don’t cognize what nan rules are for a book successful your genre, make judge your editor does truthful they tin guideline you done nan process of deciding which ones to travel and which ones to break. Following nary rules astatine each is simply a awesome measurement to constitute a unspeakable book.

Show you really to hole what needs fixing. Upon identifying nan things that request fixing, an editor tin propose circumstantial ways to hole those things. At nan developmental aliases substantive level, an editor will connection ideas to thief you—among different things—clarify your theme, streamline your structure, fortify your characters, and soft retired your pacing.

Copy editors and proofreaders will people up your manuscript statement by statement pinch questions like, “When you opportunity X, do you really mean Y?” and “I’ve fixed nan pronunciation of this connection to bespeak US pronunciation conventions. OK?” They won’t do it for you unless nan correction is truthful evident aliases obscure that it doesn’t request your sign-off.

Help your book recognize its afloat potential. Editors are trained to spot nan nuggets of golden buried successful your themes, chapters, paragraphs, and sentences. If you spot their expertise, you tin travel their proposal knowing that they want you and your book to look good.

Help you go a amended writer. Most editors I cognize emotion it erstwhile authors want to study nan “why” down nan edits they are receiving. If you’re up for a batch of excitement astir mythology, archetypes, etymology, style guides, and descriptive vs. prescriptive dictionaries, an editor is nan champion personification to ask. We cognize why definite books activity and link nan measurement they do, and why others don’t. We tin thief you make circumstantial decisions astatine nan structural and condemnation level that will thief you go amended astatine your craft.

Your editor cannot…

Fix your book for you. It is not your editor’s occupation to instrumentality their edits connected your book. The logic for this is two-fold: first, implementing edits is called revision. It has a different connection because it’s an wholly different scope. If editing is suggesting things for improvement, revision is incorporating those suggestions. Revision is not editing, and an editor is not qualified to revise your manuscript. In fact, nan only 1 qualified to receive, interpret, and incorporated nan edits is you, nan author.

Second, nan edits themselves are suggestions, not directives. Even erstwhile they’re phrased arsenic “do this instead,” edits are champion publication arsenic maturation opportunities. Your editor whitethorn propose you do a circumstantial point to hole a circumstantial problem, but nan existent takeaway is that nan existing problem needs a solution. Upon reference nan editor’s suggested solution, you whitethorn deliberation of a amended 1 yourself. Go up and instrumentality it, past mention backmost to nan first point your editor tin do (above). We’ll fto you cognize if it works.

Guarantee anything. Working pinch an editor (or immoderate manufacture professional) is not a shortcut to a cleanable book, a publishing deal, a bestseller, aliases a bunch of 5-star reviews. Publishing outcomes person galore contributing factors that are wholly unrelated to nan editing process aliases nan value of nan penning aliases editing. While a bully edit tin so lend to nan anticipation of your book achieving immoderate aliases each of these outcomes, nary of them is nan singular extremity of an editor aliases an edit.

Do not prosecute aliases spot anyone who charges you to constitute a bestseller aliases makes likewise grandiose trading promises. While publishing professionals tin so itemize and expound connected why already-published books were successful, nan truth is that moreover then, we are adding a communicative arc to disparate factors that see luck and timing. The strategy cannot beryllium reliably aliases ethically reverse-engineered. Anyone who tells you otherwise is being dishonest.

Final Thoughts

There’s nary one-size-fits-all meaning of a bully editor, but present are a fewer last takeaways that I dream will service you well. 

A bully editor:

Says yes acold much often than they opportunity no. I learned this years agone from an editing professor of mine, and it’s been my aureate norm ever since. We’re not retired only to show you everything that’s incorrect pinch your book—we’re present to leverage our training and acquisition successful identifying what you’re already doing really good truthful that you tin do much of that. Even if you don’t deliberation truthful yet, you constitute successful a very unique, peculiar way, and we want to thief you create that.

Watch for those places successful nan manuscript wherever your editor points retired a awesome prime you’ve made and/or acquiesces erstwhile you determine not to instrumentality 1 of our suggestions. Those moments of enthusiasm and discuss are location for 2 reasons: to promote you successful your craft, and to show that your editor recognizes and respects your talent. We want nan editing process to beryllium an insightful and encouraging maturation opportunity for you, not a demoralizing attack. We want you to decorativeness this book, and to constitute different one. We’ll opportunity yes to your choices and ideas arsenic often arsenic we tin truthful that erstwhile we opportunity no, you salary attention.

Says nary acold much often than they opportunity yes. (We incorporate multitudes.) Good editors get a batch of inquiries, and they move astir of them down. It’s nary reflection connected you aliases your work—we simply specialize successful and are qualified to edit only definite kinds of books. Your book won’t beryllium for each reader, and it won’t beryllium for each editor, either. Keep looking until you find 1 who’s enthusiastic astir and qualified to activity connected your project. 

Doesn’t person each nan answers. Who wants to activity pinch personification who thinks they cognize everything? I’m complete 15 years in, and I still consciousness for illustration I’m conscionable getting started. Publishing is simply a mercurial industry, and contempt nan champion efforts of authors, editors, and publishers, nary 1 really knows what’s going to link until it does. Anyone who says different is either lying aliases under-informed. 

So return that arsenic a support gaffe to constitute nan book you want to write, and retrieve it erstwhile moving pinch an editor. We want your book to exist, too. We return it connected because we deliberation it’s great, and because we deliberation we tin thief you make it moreover better. You tin spot that we’ll do our champion activity for you, that we cognize a lot, and that we person bully reasons for our decisions. But we don’t cognize it all, and we’re still present for nan ride. Besides, you’re not hiring america to springiness you each nan answers, but to beryllium your champion and challenger each measurement of nan way, and to connection proposal based connected our knowledge of books, language, and nan publishing industry. 

“Works successful disappearing ink.” That’s a quote from Michael Pietsch, who edited Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch and DFW’s Infinite Jest, among galore different notable titles. Max Perkins’ fame aside, editors activity really difficult to enactment invisible successful nan last merchandise that is your book. It’s your book. We’re proud that it’s yours. We want to thief you move it into nan champion imaginable type of itself, and make you look really bully successful nan process.

If you’ve made it each nan measurement to this point, congratulations—you are taking your book and your penning seriously, and editors each complete nan world commend you. We look guardant to reference your activity and helping you return it to nan adjacent level.

Source Jane Friedman's blog
Jane Friedman's blog