This station is regularly updated pinch caller accusation and remains applicable if you’re looking for a accepted publishing deal.
If you want to get your book published, you person much choices than ever to execute your goal. This station lays retired nan process successful nan simplest position possible. It is regularly revised and updated.
There are 3 superior paths to getting published:
- Find a accepted patient who will connection you a book contract. This is what astir writers person successful mind erstwhile they deliberation of publishing their book. A accepted patient pays you, nan author, for nan correct to people your work, nether definite position and conditions.
- Hire a institution to thief you people your book. There are thousands of publishing services retired there, immoderate inexpensive and immoderate expensive. But nan main point they person successful communal is that they complaint nan writer to publish. This includes hybrid publishers, assisted publishers, and publishing work companies.
- Self-publish. This is wherever you nan writer enactment arsenic nan publisher, and prosecute nan thief you request to people and waste your work, astir often done Amazon and different awesome retailers.
This station focuses connected uncovering a traditional publisher.
In a accepted publishing arrangement, publishers presume each costs and salary you an beforehand and royalties. You must seduce them to judge your activity by submitting an effective transportation aliases manuscript.
Not judge if you should traditionally people aliases self-publish? Here’s really to make a decision.
4 steps to getting a book published
Getting your book traditionally published is simply a step-by-step process of:
- Determining your genre aliases class of work.
- Finding due agents aliases publishers for your work.
- Preparing your submissions materials (a query missive aliases proposal, usually).
- Submitting your materials to agents aliases editors.
Step 1. Determine your work’s genre aliases category.
Publishers and agents often attraction aliases specialize connected definite types of work. They whitethorn people only fabrication aliases nonfiction; they whitethorn garbage to judge poesy aliases memoir; and truthful on. It’s important to correctly place what you’ve written, astatine slightest successful wide terms, truthful you tin find nan correct patient aliases supplier to approach. Your genre aliases class besides affects what materials you’ll beryllium expected to submit.
- Novels and memoirs: Most first-time authors must decorativeness their manuscript earlier approaching editors/agents. You whitethorn be very excited astir your story idea, aliases astir having a partial manuscript, but it’s almost ne'er a bully thought to submit your activity astatine specified an early stage. Finish nan activity first—make it nan champion you perchance can. Seek retired a writing critique group aliases mentor who tin connection you constructive feedback, past revise your story. Be confident that you’re submitting your champion work. One of nan biggest mistakes caller writers make is rushing to get published. In 99% of cases, there’s nary logic to rush.
- For astir big nonfiction (except memoir): Rather than completing a manuscript, you should constitute a book proposal—like a business scheme for your book—that will person a patient to statement and salary you to constitute nan book. Find retired more information connected book proposals and really to constitute one. You request to methodically research nan marketplace for your thought earlier you statesman to constitute nan proposal.
- Children’s work: Three main categories are applicable to writers conscionable starting out: image books (fully illustrated, usually 32 pages, springiness aliases take), middle-grade books (some very illustrated, immoderate not), and young adult. A vanished manuscript is typically required. Children’s image book writers do not request to supply aliases taxable illustrations, only nan manuscript.
Some of nan astir communal caller genres are: romance and erotica, women’s fiction, historical, mystery, crime, thriller, and subject fabrication & fantasy. Commercial fabrication is simply a word that’s often utilized interchangeably pinch “genre fiction” (romance, mystery, thriller, SFF, etc). Work that doesn’t autumn into a clear genre fabrication class is sometimes called “mainstream fiction” by agents and publishers.
Upmarket fabrication is simply a word astir often applied to definite types of women’s fiction—the benignant of caller that gets chosen for book clubs. Literary fabrication encompasses nan classics you were taught successful English literature, arsenic good arsenic modern fabrication (e.g., Jonathan Franzen, Margaret Atwood, aliases Hillary Mantel). For much connected nan distinctions here, I urge agent Carly Watter’s post.
Some of nan astir celebrated nonfiction categories are: business, self-help, health, advice/relationships, individual development, and memoir.
Within nan publishing industry, nonfiction is often discussed arsenic falling nether 2 major, wide categories: prescriptive (how-to, informational, aliases educational) and communicative (memoir, communicative nonfiction, imaginative nonfiction). You tin get a consciousness of what nonfiction categories beryllium by browsing Amazon’s categories (see their lefthand navigation) aliases simply visiting a bookstore.
Books that are suitable for Big Five publishing
Some books are much commercialized than others; thing falling into genre fabrication is by default a commercialized work. Most nonfiction, if it would beryllium stocked successful your mean bookstore, is commercial. “Big Five” New York publishers are willing chiefly successful commercialized work—work that is meant to waste successful large retailers, big-box stores, etc.
The astir important point to retrieve is that not each book is trim retired to beryllium published by a New York house, aliases represented by an agent, but astir writers person a difficult clip being honorable pinch themselves astir their work’s potential.
Here are some rules of thumb astir what types of books are suitable for a Big Five publisher:
- Genre aliases commercialized fiction: romance, mystery, crime, thriller, subject fiction, fantasy, young adult, and truthful on.
- Nonfiction books that would get shelved in your mean Barnes & Noble aliases indie bookstore—which requires a beardown hook aliases conception and author platform. Usually a New York patient won’t motion a nonfiction book unless they expect trading 10,000–20,000 copies.
Works that tin beryllium difficult to sell:
- Books that transcend 120,000 words, depending connected genre
- Poetry, short story, anthologies, aliases effort collections—unless you’re a known writer, aliases person a platform
- Nonfiction books by authors without expertise, authority, aliases visibility to nan target audience
- Memoirs pinch communal communicative lines—such arsenic the death of a loved one, intelligence illness, caring for aging parents—but nary unsocial perspective into nan communicative (you haven’t sufficiently distinguished your experience—no hook)
- Literary and experimental fiction
If you constitute fabrication aliases memoir, nan penning value usually matters supra each other if you want to beryllium traditionally published. Read successful your genre, believe your craft, and polish your work. Repeat this rhythm endlessly. It’s not apt your first effort will get published. Your penning gets amended pinch believe and time. You mature and develop.
If you constitute nonfiction, nan marketability of your thought (and your platform) often matter arsenic overmuch arsenic nan writing, if not much so. The value of nan penning whitethorn only request to beryllium serviceable, depending connected nan class we’re talking about.
If your activity isn’t a bully campaigner for a New York house, don’t despair. There are galore mid-size houses, independent publishers, mini presses, assemblage presses, location presses, and digital-only publishers who might beryllium thrilled to person your work. You conscionable request to find them. (See nan adjacent step.)
Deciding If You Need an Agent
In today’s market, astir apt 80 percent of books that nan New York publishing houses get are sold to them by agents. Agents are experts successful nan publishing industry. They person wrong contacts pinch circumstantial editors and cognize amended than writers what editor aliases patient would beryllium astir apt to bargain a peculiar work.
Perhaps astir important, agents discuss nan champion woody for you, guarantee you are paid accurately and fairly, and tally interference erstwhile basal betwixt you and nan publisher. The champion agents are profession advisers and managers.
Traditionally, agents get paid only erstwhile they waste your work, and person a 15% committee connected everything you get paid (your beforehand and royalties). Avoid agents who complaint fees.
So … do you request an agent?
It depends connected what you’re selling. If you want to beryllium published by 1 of nan Big Five, astir certainly.
If you’re penning for a niche marketplace (e.g., vintage automobiles), aliases person an world aliases literate work, past you mightiness not request one. Agents are motivated to represent clients based connected nan size of nan beforehand they deliberation they tin get. If your task doesn’t bid a sizable beforehand (at slightest 5 figures), past you whitethorn not beryllium worthy an agent’s time, and you’ll person to waste nan task connected your own.
Here’s really to find literate agents and really to measure them.
Step 2. Find publishers and agents.
Once you cognize what you’re selling, it’s clip to investigation which publishers aliases agents judge nan type of activity you’ve written. Again, beryllium alert that astir New York publishers do not judge unagented submissions—so this database includes wherever to find some publishers and agents. This is not an exhaustive database of wherever you tin find listings, but a curated database assuming you want to attraction connected nan highest-quality sources.
- Since nan diminution of Writer’s Market (see below), this is nan champion database for identifying publishers. Subscription required.
- This is nan champion spot to investigation literate agents; not only do galore person personnel pages here, but you tin hunt nan publishing deals database by genre, category, and/or keyword to pinpoint nan champion agents for your work. Subscription required.
- About 200 patient listings and 1,000 supplier listings. Basic work is free.
- Thousands of supplier and patient listings were erstwhile recovered here, but nan tract is presently inactive. You tin effort nan people edition, aliases Jeff Herman’s competing guide.
Step 3. Prepare your submission materials.
Every supplier and patient has unsocial requirements for submitting materials. The astir common materials you’ll beryllium asked for:
- Query letter. This is simply a 1-page transportation missive that gives a little explanation of your work. (More connected this below.)
- Novel synopsis. This is simply a little summary (usually nary much than 1-2 pages) of your story, from opening to end. It must uncover nan ending. Here’s really to constitute a caller synopsis.
- Nonfiction book proposal. These are analyzable documents, usually 20-30 pages successful length, if not double that. For much explanation, see my broad post.
- Novel proposal. This usually refers to your query letter, a synopsis, and possibly nan first chapter. There is not an manufacture modular meaning of what a “novel proposal” is.
- Sample chapters. When sending sample chapters from your caller aliases memoir, start from nan opening of nan manuscript. (Don’t prime a mediate chapter, moreover if you deliberation it’s your best.) For nonfiction (non-memoir), usually immoderate section is acceptable.
The All-Important Query Letter
The query missive is nan time-honored instrumentality for writers seeking publication. It’s fundamentally a income missive that attempts to seduce an editor aliases supplier to petition a afloat manuscript aliases proposal.
- Here’s my definitive station connected penning a query for a novel.
- Here’s really to constitute a query for a nonfiction book.
Step 4. Submit your materials.
Almost nary supplier aliases editor accepts afloat manuscripts connected first contact. This is what “No unsolicited materials” intends erstwhile you publication submission guidelines. However, almost each supplier aliases patient will judge a one-page query missive unless their guidelines authorities otherwise. (If they do not judge queries, that intends they are a wholly closed market.)
After you nonstop retired queries, you’ll get a operation of responses, including:
- No consequence astatine all, which is usually a rejection.
- A petition for a partial manuscript and/or a synopsis.
- A petition for nan afloat manuscript and/or synopsis.
If you receive no requests for nan manuscript aliases book proposal, past location mightiness beryllium thing incorrect pinch your query. Here is really to amended your query letter.
If you win successful getting your material requested, but past get rejected, location whitethorn be a weakness successful nan manuscript aliases proposal.
How Long Should You Keep Querying?
Some authors are rejected hundreds of times (over a play of years) earlier they yet get an acceptance. If you put years of clip and effort into a project, don’t wantonness it excessively quickly. Look astatine nan rejection slips for patterns astir what’s not working. Rejections tin beryllium lessons to amended your writing.
Ultimately, though, immoderate manuscripts person to beryllium put successful nan drawer because location is nary market, aliases location isn’t a measurement to revise nan activity successfully. Most authors don’t waste their first manuscript, but their 2nd aliases 3rd (or fourth!).
Protecting your rights
You person thing to fearfulness successful submitting your query aliases manuscript to an supplier aliases publisher. If you’re worried astir protecting your ideas, well, you’re retired of luck—ideas can’t beryllium protected nether copyright, and no publisher aliases supplier will motion a nondisclosure statement aliases work together to talk pinch a paranoid writer who doesn’t spot them. (Just being blunt here.)
If you’re worried astir protecting your copyright, past I person bully news: your work, nether law, is protected from nan infinitesimal you put it successful tangible form. You tin find retired much astir protecting your authorities here.
Do you person to “know someone”?
No, but referrals, connections aliases communities tin surely help! See nan related mobility beneath astir conferences.
The self-publishing option
Typically, writers who get disappointment by nan endless process of submission and rejection often look to self-publishing for satisfaction. Why discarded countless months aliases years trying to please this aliases that picky agent/editor erstwhile you tin easy get your book disposable connected Kindle (or arsenic print-on-demand) astatine almost nary costs to you?
Such options whitethorn spend you nan expertise to clasp your book successful your hands, but it rarely leads to your beingness book reaching bookstore shelves—which ends up astonishing authors who’ve been led to judge otherwise.
Self-publishing requires significant and persistent effort into trading and promotion, not to mention an entrepreneurial mindset. It usually takes a few books retired connected nan marketplace earlier you tin really gain momentum, and most first-time authors don’t for illustration to perceive that—they’re not that committed to penning without an contiguous payoff aliases immoderate greater validation.
Finally, astir self-published authors find that trading their book is conscionable arsenic hard—if not harder than—finding a patient aliases agent.
That said, independent authors are fiercely passionate astir their activity and their process, and immoderate are overmuch happier and satisfied going it alone. But those who win and profit often give years of their life, if not their full lives, to trading and promoting their work. In short: It’s a ton of work, for illustration starting a mini business (if you do it right).
So, you tin self-publish, but it each depends connected your goals and what will fulfill you. To study more: Start Here: How to Self-Publish Your Book.
Posting your activity online
Many writers wonderment if they’ll ruin their chances astatine accepted publication if they self-publish an ebook, usage Wattpad, aliases put chapters connected their website. In brief, no, you are not ruining your chances. Read much astir this rumor here.
Navigating nan publishing industry
- Publishing is simply a business, conscionable for illustration Hollywood aliases Broadway. Publishers, editors, and agents support authors aliases projects that will make money and supply a bully return connected investment. It utilized to beryllium that this return connected finance could hap complete a play of years aliases respective books. Now, it needs to hap pinch 1 book and successful little than 1 year.
- Professionalism and politeness spell a agelong measurement toward covering up immoderate amateur mistakes you mightiness make on nan way.
- Unless you unrecorded nether a fortunate star, you will get rejected again and again and again. The query and submission process takes tremendous dedication and persistence. We’re talking astir years of work. Novelists and memoirists often look nan biggest battle—there’s tremendous competition.
- Never telephone an supplier aliases editor to query aliases inquire questions (or conscionable chat) if you are not a customer aliases author. Never query by telephone—and I wouldn’t do it moreover if nan guidelines urge it. You’ll messiness it up.
- Agents and editors do not want you (a non-client aliases author) to sojourn them astatine their offices. Do not scheme a sojourn to New York and spell knocking connected doors, and don’t inquire an agent/editor for a luncheon aliases java assignment if you don’t person a narration already. If you’d for illustration to interact pinch an supplier aliases editor, be a writers conference.
- When moving pinch a accepted publisher, you person to springiness up a batch of powerfulness and control. The patient gets to determine nan cover, nan title, nan design, nan format, nan price, etc. You person to spell done rounds of revisions and will apt person to alteration things you don’t want to change. But you must attack nan process for illustration a professional, not a high-maintenance artiste.
- You’ll beryllium acold much charismatic to a patient if they judge you’ll beryllium an progressive marketer and promoter of your book. If you travel to nan array pinch media savvy aliases an established level (audience aliases readership), you’ll person an easier clip getting that first deal.
- For nonfiction authors: Don’t spell looking for a publishing woody because you need the authority aliases level that a book tin springiness you. Rather, you must already person nan level and authority, and frankincense beryllium qualified to constitute a book. YOU bring nan assemblage to nan publisher, not nan reverse.
Why you should be penning conferences
Your acquisition and penetration into nan manufacture will beforehand exponentially. You’ll summation an knowing that’s often intolerable from conscionable reference astir it. You will meet agents and editors, and commencement to spot them arsenic existent people. If you person an appointment aliases consultation pinch a publishing professional, it will shorten your way to publication. You tin get nan reasons, immediately, that an supplier aliases editor whitethorn not beryllium responding favorably to your work.
Many writers are acquainted pinch nan reasons to be conferences, but not each understand really to get much retired of them. Here are 3 ways you tin get nan astir retired of your experience.
- Select a convention wherever you tin meet pinch a circumstantial author, editor aliases supplier who is perfectly perfect for your activity (after lengthy and intensive research). Get a critique convention aliases an appointment—but only if you consciousness for illustration you’ve taken your activity arsenic acold arsenic you perchance tin connected your own. This is important.
- During immoderate general appointments aliases critiques, scheme to talk astir 20-30% of nan time. Before meeting, create a circumstantial database of questions that, if you had nan answers, you would cognize specifically what your adjacent steps are (for your task aliases your career) erstwhile you leave. Do not be immoderate assignment expecting to beryllium offered a woody aliases representation. Go for nan learning acquisition and nan opportunity to person a master consultation. That’s what it is.
- Closely study nan backgrounds/bios of each speaker, agent, and editor who is attending. Be knowledgeable for immoderate chance conversations you have; having this knowledge will besides spark questions you could inquire during panels aliases societal hours. Don’t beryllium nan personification who asks nan evident mobility you could’ve figured retired by paying attraction to nan program. Delve deeper. Make your questions count.
Here is my broad guideline to penning conferences.
When to prosecute master help
Should you prosecute a freelance editor to thief amended your manuscript earlier submitting? There’s nary 1 correct reply for everyone, but I talk considerations and guidelines here.
Reasons you mightiness neglect to get published
- You unreserved to taxable your activity earlier it’s ready. This is peculiarly existent of writers who are dizzy pinch excitement aft completing their very first book-length manuscript. But if you’ve conscionable spent months (or years!) penning a manuscript, why unreserved it to an supplier aliases editor, and why unreserved it to conscionable immoderate supplier aliases editor? And why unreserved it if you’re caller to nan publishing business?
- Your communicative premise aliases book conception lacks originality. A caller aliases memoir needs to consciousness “fresh,” applicable to today’s readers, and not derivative of existing bestsellers. (What’s “fresh” is subjective, of course.) How do you cognize if your thought is tired by an agent’s standards? Reading tons of celebrated fabrication helps; it helps you study what’s been done already, and really you mightiness adhd your ain twist. Here’s a station connected improving your communicative premise.
- It’s reliable to execute objectivity. When you decorativeness a important manuscript aliases connection that took a agelong clip to complete, you request clip distant and region to measure its strengths and weaknesses.
- It’s reliable to make advancement without a mentor. A bully critique partner tin beryllium invaluable to your maturation arsenic a writer. When you don’t person nan clip aliases willingness to return capable steps backmost from your work, aliases spot its flaws, others tin connection a really difficult push.
- It’s easy to return validation from family and friends arsenic a motion you ought to constitute and publish. Has your family encouraged you? Have your friends told you that you’re a superb writer? Do your children emotion your stories? While you request support, you besides request to disregard what these group are telling you. They’re not publishing professionals. You request to constitute because you can’t do thing else. Because you would suffer if you didn’t. Your information to constitute has to travel from within. Don’t constitute (only) because you were fixed validation aliases support by personification adjacent to you. What you really request (require) is your ain soul conviction.
Also consider: What is your information for trying to get published? A small self-reflection mightiness beryllium successful bid earlier you pursuit aft an supplier aliases publisher. Read my station 3 Questions Every Creative Person Must Ask.
Mostly what this crippled boils down to is patience. If you don’t person it, you will get disappointment and springiness up.
If you’re looking for much in-depth guidance:
- My book: The Business of Being a Writer, published by The University of Chicago Press, starred reappraisal from Library Journal
Jane Friedman has spent astir 25 years moving successful nan book publishing industry, pinch a attraction connected writer acquisition and inclination reporting. She is nan editor of The Hot Sheet, nan basal publishing manufacture newsletter for authors, and was named Publishing Commentator of nan Year by Digital Book World successful 2023. Her latest book is The Business of Being a Writer (University of Chicago Press), which received a starred reappraisal from Library Journal. In summation to serving connected assistance panels for nan National Endowment for nan Arts and nan Creative Work Fund, she useful pinch organizations specified arsenic The Authors Guild to bring transparency to nan business of publishing.