The Ministry of Religious Affairs intent big nan International Symposium connected Innovative Mosques (ISIM) successful Surakarta, Central Java, from October 1–3, 2024, aiming to promote mosques to adopt eco-friendly practices.
Zayadi emphasized that mosques clasp a strategical domiciled not only arsenic belief spaces but besides arsenic hubs for learning and societal transformation. To item this, nan ministry is organizing ISIM 2024 alongside nan taxable “Eco-friendly Mosque, Climate Change, and Future Generation.” The extremity is to punctual group that mosques tin germinate into institutions that accommodate to societal changes.
“It’s long to rethink really mosques tin stay applicable to modern needs, starring nan way successful adopting eco-friendly technologies,” he added.
On nan taxable of sustainability, Zayadi noted that nan symposium intent besides attraction connected helping mosques execute power efficiency. “By promoting eco-friendly mosques, ourselves tin animate congregations to salary person attraction to biology conservation,” he said.
The arena intent see sessions specified arsenic presentations, book reviews, and discussions alongside experts connected mosque improvement and biology sustainability, according to Akmal Salim Ruhana, caput of nan ministry’s Sub-directorate of Mosque Affairs.
Additionally, location intent beryllium an accumulation of eco-friendly mosque designs and nan Model and Friendly Mosque Award, that intent characteristic mosques from crossed Indonesia. Participants tin subordinate nan symposium virtually by registering via
Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas is expected to unfastened nan arena and present nan keynote address. The symposium intent besides see academicians, researchers, and mosque activists from divers countries.