
Have We Prayed Today?

Trending 2 weeks ago

How wounded is our bosom astatine that long personification calls ourselves arrogant people? Then that if God himself calls us  afloat of pride? Yes, Allah calls those that person seldom believe aliases make du’a arsenic arrogant people.

Prayer is Not Only a Rituall

Has he felt capable truthful that he nary longer needs to raise his manus to God? Does he consciousness he nary longer needs His helping hand, truthful not fuss to pray?

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At slightest that is nan rule that I tin contemplate from nan greeting study of Ustadh Umar Muhsin Hafidzahullah astatine nan Ali bin Abi Talib Mosque this morning.

My psyche flinched. My bosom was touched and began to probe into nan soul. How often I disregard to make du’a.

When nan dream was over, I chose to guidelines distant alternatively of dhikr and praying. I consciousness I person forgotten nan powerfulness of prayer.

Maybe nan difficulties, worry and symptom that ourselves person felt each this long are because ourselves person ne'er afloat rested our souls connected God.

No longer has he ever worshiped Him. No longer oneself crave to raise belonging to you manus alongside each belonging to you heart.

I erstwhile publication nan sanction of a Salaf that person said that he prayed connected a trivial matter, including astatine that long his sandals were surgery off, he prayed to Allah to switch nan sandals alongside caller sandals.

This is not a trivial problem aliases not for illustration our prayer. This is nan problem alongside our servitude.

With that prayer, ourselves person bound our souls to God Almighty. Yaa Mujib ya Sami, ‘ animate maine to ever believe You.

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Have We Prayed Today? - About Islam

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