
Are Paid Book Reviews Worth It?

Trending 8 years ago
paying for book reviewsphoto by StockMonkeys.com

Paying for master book reviews is simply a arguable taxable passim nan penning and publishing community, and it’s difficult to find practical, unbiased accusation astir nan benefits. In fact, it’s not moreover well-known that paid book reviews exist, and even less is known astir nan worth of specified reviews.

Before I talk nan pros and cons of paid reviews, I want to specify them (strictly for nan purposes of this post).

  • Trade book reviews. Trade publications are those publication by booksellers, librarians, and others who activity wrong nan manufacture (as opposed to readers/consumers). Such publications chiefly supply pre-publication reviews of traditionally published books, whether from mini aliases ample presses. Typically, these publications person been operating for a long time and person a history of serving publishing professionals. However, pinch nan emergence of self-publishing, immoderate waste and acquisition reappraisal outlets person begun paid reappraisal programs particularly for self-published authors. Examples: Kirkus Reviews and Foreword Reviews.
  • Non-trade book reviews. Because of nan increased demand for master reviews of self-published work, you tin now find online publications that specialize successful providing specified services. These publications aliases websites whitethorn person immoderate scope and visibility to nan trade, aliases they whitethorn beryllium reader-facing, aliases a operation of both. Examples: Indie Reader, Blue Ink Review, Self-Publishing Review.
  • Reader (non-professional) reviews. It’s considered unethical to salary for scholar reviews posted astatine Amazon aliases different sites, and Amazon is actively trying to curb nan practice.

This station is focused connected nan first 2 types of paid reviews; I urge you enactment distant from nan third.

Some of you reference this station whitethorn beryllium looking for a speedy and easy reply to nan mobility of whether you should put successful a paid book review. Here’s what I deliberation successful a nutshell, though a batch of group will beryllium unhappy pinch maine saying so:

The mostly of authors will not sufficiently use from paid book reviews, and should put their clip and money elsewhere.

However, this tin beryllium a more nuanced rumor than this wide connection indicates. Here are 3 questions I inquire authors erstwhile advising astir nan worth of paid reviews:

  • Do you person a well-thought-out trading scheme that targets librarians, booksellers, aliases schools?
  • What is your wide trading budget, and does it see hiring a publicist aliases extracurricular help?
  • What’s your book category? Are you trying to marketplace a children’s book?

Let talk each rumor successful much detail.

1. Are you targeting nan trade?

It makes small consciousness to salary for a waste and acquisition book reappraisal if each you’re going to do is make your book disposable for waste connected Amazon aliases different online retailers and see your trading occupation done. This is simply a immense discarded of your money, yet this is what galore authors do, because what they’re chiefly aft is validation, not a trading tool.

Ask yourself: Do you want this reappraisal because you consciousness it’s portion of having “real” book published—that having it gives you immoderate further credibility? If that’s your only motivation, you are paying to consciousness amended astir yourself and your work, not to waste books.

A amended measurement to waste much books connected Amazon, aliases done online retail, is to make arsenic galore reader reviews arsenic possible. Some mightiness reason that having a master reappraisal arsenic portion of nan book’s explanation connected Amazon (and elsewhere) adds a sheen of professionalism and leads to much readers taking a chance connected nan book. But I judge readers are mostly not persuaded by 1 master reappraisal erstwhile location are few reader reviews and/or a debased prima rating. Like it aliases not, purchasing behaviour online is driven by amount of reviews that thief bespeak a book is worthy nan price, assuming nary anterior vulnerability to nan author.

However, if you person an outreach scheme that involves approaching libraries to see your book, aliases if you’re trying to scope independent booksellers, past having a affirmative reappraisal from a root they cognize tin thief you overcome an first hurdle aliases two. It will not guarantee they will transportation aliases bargain your book, but it whitethorn thief make a favorable impression. (That said, they may know your reappraisal was paid for if your book is self-published. This astir apt won’t matter to them arsenic agelong arsenic they spot nan reappraisal source.)

Another point to understand is that moreover if you salary for your waste and acquisition review, that doesn’t mean it will person arsenic overmuch prominence aliases visibility arsenic different (unpaid) reviews from that publication. Paid reviews are typically segregated and tally separately from unpaid reviews, truthful a bookseller aliases librarian whitethorn person to actively activity retired reviews of self-published books. How overmuch attraction these reviews person from nan trade, successful aggregate, is anyone’s guess. One point is for sure: there’s a ton of title moreover conscionable among traditionally published books.

All of this assumes that nan paid reappraisal you person is affirmative aliases will make a bully impression. The reappraisal may, successful fact, beryllium negative, and you won’t beryllium capable to usage it. (In specified cases, nan waste and acquisition reappraisal outlet allows you to suppress publication of nan reappraisal altogether.)

If you are targeting nan trade, and you’re operating connected a master level, past see approaching waste and acquisition publications conscionable arsenic immoderate accepted patient would: 4 to six months successful beforehand of your book’s publication date. (Since nan attraction of these waste and acquisition publications is connected pre-publication reviews, they won’t reappraisal your book if you don’t nonstop nan transcript respective months successful beforehand of your pub date.) Send an beforehand reappraisal transcript on pinch a property merchandise aliases accusation expanse astir nan book, and transverse your fingers that your book is selected for reappraisal (for free). If not, later connected you tin see paying for a reappraisal if necessary.

If you’re not targeting nan trade, sometimes a paid reappraisal tin still beryllium helpful. That brings america to nan 2nd question.

2. What does your wide trading scheme look like?

If paying for a reappraisal consumes each of your trading and publicity budget, stop. This isn’t what you should walk your money on. You’d spot acold much income from spending that money connected a BookBub promotion aliases connected different types of discounts aliases giveaways to summation your book’s visibility.

On nan different hand, if nan paid reappraisal is conscionable 1 portion of a larger trading scheme to summation visibility, past you’re successful a amended spot to capitalize connected a affirmative paid review. If you tin spot it arsenic a steppingstone—as a measurement to get group connected committee quicker—that’s nan correct mindset. A positive reappraisal from a known aliases trusted root tin thief lead to different reviews—or question and reply opportunities, aliases different media coverage. Or you could usage nan reappraisal successful advertisements to nan trade.

With paid reviews, remember: steppingstone. It’s not paid reappraisal = book sales. A bully marketer aliases publicist tin thief unfastened doors for you, and they could person an easier clip if they’re equipped pinch immoderate bully blurbs aliases sum (including that paid book review) to start.

If each you intend to do pinch your paid reappraisal is adhd it to your book cover, your website, your Amazon book description, aliases different online trading copy, past it is not apt to person immoderate noticeable effect connected your sales. (And frankly, successful specified cases, location is nary measurement to measurement if it really did make a difference.)

3. What’s your book category?

The children’s marketplace is 1 area wherever I deliberation paid reviews tin make nan astir sense, because you’re not typically trading straight to readers (children) but to educators, librarians, and schools. The children’s marketplace highly values waste and acquisition publications specified arsenic School Library Journal or Publishers Weekly; these publications thief them understand what’s releasing soon and make bully choices astir what to buy, often connected a constricted budget.

Here’s nan rub: you can’t bargain a reappraisal successful either of those publications I conscionable mentioned. You would person to taxable to them done nan accepted channels astatine slightest a mates months (or more) successful beforehand of your publication date.

I spent much than a twelve years successful accepted publishing and oversaw nan publication of hundreds of books. During that time, only a fistful of our titles received master waste and acquisition reviews. By and large, our institution did not taxable books for review, and pre-publication reviews did not perceptibly impact our income erstwhile they did appear. That’s because our books were chiefly successful instructional aliases enthusiast nonfiction categories, wherever income aren’t typically driven by master aliases waste and acquisition reviews.

If you don’t person manufacture experience, it whitethorn beryllium difficult to fig retired if a paid reappraisal mightiness make a quality for your peculiar book category. Here’s what I recommend: Using Amazon, find books that would beryllium considered nonstop competitors to yours. Take a look astatine their Amazon class aliases genre (e.g., paranormal romance, cozy mystery, etc.), past look astatine nan bestsellers successful that class complete a play of a week aliases two. (If you can, make judge you investigation a bully operation of some traditionally published and self-published titles.) Read nan books’ Amazon page descriptions and spot what reappraisal sources are quoted. Many times, you’ll find (free) blogger reviews and a assortment of (free) niche publication reviews, alternatively than reviews from nan companies I mentioned astatine nan opening of this post.

Taking nan clip to prosecute free reviews aliases scholar reviews is nan preferred method of established, profession indie authors; they’re rarely concerned about courting the traditional gatekeepers, unless their activity is of a literate bent.

Paid Book Review Benefits That Don’t Really Mean Anything

Most paid reappraisal outlets committedness that your reappraisal will beryllium distributed to Ingram, online unit sites, and each sorts of important-sounding places. This type of reappraisal promotion doesn’t discount immoderate of what I’ve discussed above. Again, conscionable because nan reappraisal is distributed aliases disposable doesn’t mean it will beryllium seen aliases acted upon. And I don’t urge that you salary these companies for other promotion aliases advertizing of your reappraisal unless you really cognize what you’re doing and a marketer aliases publicist thinks it will get your book successful beforehand of precisely nan correct audience. Too overmuch of online advertizing is for illustration flushing money down nan toilet—whether it’s done done these companies aliases not. If you’re willing successful value and targeted advertizing for your book, consider M.J. Rose’s AuthorBuzz service, but moreover then, make judge it’s only 1 portion of a larger trading plan, not nan only part.

Are Paid Book Reviews Tainted?

Yes and no. As I said astatine nan outset, this is simply a arguable topic, and perceptions astir nan believe wide vary. I’m not typically an advocator of paid reviews, because successful astir cases I deliberation that authors neglect to capitalize connected them and besides that authors tin execute overmuch nan aforesaid results if they put successful nan (time-consuming) effort to unafraid nan galore types of free reviews disposable to them. It’s not that I’m morally against paid reviews, though I do deliberation paid reappraisal services tin make it sound for illustration each sorts of wonderful, influential group will abruptly return announcement of your book erstwhile that’s seldom nan case.

If master waste and acquisition reviews are very important to you aliases your work, I highly urge (as suggested before) that, alternatively than paying for a review, you nonstop beforehand reappraisal copies to waste and acquisition reappraisal outlets 4 to six months successful beforehand of your publication day and proceed done nan process conscionable arsenic different publishers would. While your chances of getting a reappraisal mightiness not beryllium arsenic bully arsenic nan chance a recognized property would have, you still person a changeable if your activity appears to meet master standards in each different way. Darcy Pattison has shown that it’s possible, and truthful person galore others. Too galore self-publishers don’t person nan patience to wait, yet still want nan aforesaid reappraisal information aliases sum arsenic traditionally published authors. Fortunately, I deliberation galore self-publishers don’t request nan aforesaid benignant of master reappraisal sum aliases attraction that traditionally published authors receive; you person different devices astatine your disposal that tin beryllium conscionable arsenic effective successful driving sales.

I’d emotion to perceive successful nan comments from authors consenting to stock their acquisition pinch paid reappraisal services—positive, neutral, aliases negative.

Additionally, The Alliance of Independent Authors has posted their anecdotal findings and investigation into nan rumor successful nan pursuing 2 posts, which person absorbing remark threads. So far, they’ve only focused connected Kirkus.

  • Is a Kirkus Review Worth nan Price?
  • Is Kirkus Selling Dreams—Or Do They Deliver?

In October 2022, patient and writer Ian Lamont wrote astir his Kirkus Indie review for nan Harvard Business Review. Be judge to publication it earlier paying for a Kirkus review.

Source Jane Friedman's blog
Jane Friedman's blog